Nei Gong Program
Join Damo Mitchell as he leads you systematically though the internal processes of Nei Gong and Qi Gong. Study authentic internal work in this ongoing program.
Nei Gong Program
- Weekly tuition and supportive materials
- Fundamentals of Nei Gong, and Meditation
- Qi Gong and Dao Yin Exercise Sets
- Key classical principles, such as Song (松) and Ting (聽)
- Preparation of the Mind and Body for Meditation
- Exploration of Classical methodologies, terminologies and Classical texts
- Clear path of progression through the internal path of Nei Gong
- Hours of supportive theoretical lectures by Damo
Click here to view the Program syllabus
Below is a list of topics and concepts covered in the program:
Body Preparation:
How to open the body in preparation for Nei Gong
Learning to sit (floor and chair) for practice
Correct principles of Qi Gong standing
Learning the principles of Song (松) and Ting (聽)
Learning to stabilise and regulate the breath
Abdominal Breathing and Reverse Abdominal Breathing in detail
Stabilising the Mind and building the Awareness
Opening the Channels
Developing the Dan Tian and Dan Tian Qi
‘Building’ and ‘Thickening’ the Qi
The various ‘orbits’ of alchemical training
Qi Gong Exercise Sets:
Ji Ben Qi Gong
Wu Xing Qi Gong
Dan Tian Gong
Hun Yuan Qi Gong
Shen Gong
Dao Yin Sets:
Seated Dao Yin
Wu Dao Yin
Wu Qin Xi (Five Animal Frolics)
Yang Sheng Gong (Life Nourishing Skills):
Principles to supplement your practice
Sleep preparation and practice
Food Therapy
Stabilisation of the Emotional Mind
Various Theory Lectures throughout
Damo’s Journey
The Nei Gong program is the result of Damo’s three decade study of the internal arts. A journey that has taken place across multiple continents and numerous spiritual traditions – ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
~ Shape the Understanding ~
For efficient development within the internal arts, a practitioner must have both practical training and intellectual understanding. The theory underpins the practice and shapes the understanding to help guide the student along the path. This is why our program includes such extensive theoretical training in the form of lectures, handouts and supporting pieces alongside the weekly practice videos.
Qigong & Meditation

Develop the Form

Build the Energy

Cultivate Harmony

Elevate Spirit

Luann Barndt - Neigong Teacher
“Damo Mitchell’s passion for the Daoist Arts is contagious. Though decades of personal dedicated practice, with humour and humility, Damo skilfully leads his students to cultivate our own effective practice. Damo’s teaching style combines an underlying care and compassion armoured with challenging motivation, inspiring students to develop beyond our aspirations.”

- Weekly tuition and supportive materials
- In depth principles and teachings on Nei Gong and Meditation
- Qi Gong and Dao Yin exercises
- Exploration of Classical methodologies, terminologies, and Classic texts
- Yang Sheng Fa (life nourishing principles), including Sleep preparation, Food therapy, and daily habits to support your practice.
- Introduction to Chinese medicine concepts
- Access to exclusive online community areas
- Access to ‘The Library’, containing regularly updated lecture videos, Damo’s course lectures, and selective articles and writings.