Books by Damo
Listed below are all of the titles by Damo Mitchell that are currently available. Each of these books has received rave reviews and a number of these titles are acclaimed as the best in their field.

A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong
This is the most important book to support users of this program. Much of the theory in this book will support the program.

The Four Dragons
This book sovers the four Dragon Dao Yin sequences as well as Dao Yin theory in general. It supports the Dragon Dao Yin course included in the library section.

White Moon on the Mountain Peak
This book provides an overview of Daoist alchemical practice with a focused guide to the earlier stages of the training. Understand the ‘Firing Process’ of Nei Dan.

Women's Nei Gong
Written by Damo Mitchell and Roni Edlund, this book is a guide to the women-specific aspects of Nei Gong training. It supports the material contianed within the library.

Yellow Monkey Emperor's Classic of Chinese Medicine
A comical and cartoony look at the subject of Chinese Medicine and Zang Fu syndromes by Spencer Hill and Damo Mitchell.

Daoist Reflections from Scholar Sage
A collection of articles by Damo Mitchell and other authors taken from the Scholar Sage Blog website. A rather random but interesting selection!

Heavenly Streams
This popular title looks at the subject of the channel system within Chinese medicine. Experience the channels for yourself and develop an internal health-nourishing practice.

Daoist Nei Gong
Damo’s first book on the subject of Nei Gong. A simple introduction to the practice of internal energy work. Those looking for more detial should look to the ‘Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong’ instead…
Damo’s passion for the Daoist Arts is contagious. Though decades of personal dedicated practice, with humour and humility, Damo skilfully leads his students to cultivate our own effective practice. Damo’s teaching style combines an underlying care and compassion armoured with challenging motivation, inspiring students to develop beyond our aspirations.

Despite my efforts I have never been able to access the authentic teachings of the Nei Dan firing process. What was available was shrouded in symbolic language and secrecy. That all changed when I met Damo Mitchell. Not only is Damo’s transmission authentic but his teachings are clear and practical.