- Ongoing Nei Gong & Martial Arts Training
- Dedicated Library of Internal Arts Tuition
- Health, Well-Being, and Internal Growth
Learn, Practice, Internalise
道可道非常道, 名可名非常名
Nei Gong Structured Training
A complete and authentic pathway through the internal arts of Qi Gong, Nei Gong and alchemical Meditation. Enjoy weekly classes and a vast library of instructional videos.
Yang Taijiquan Training
Study weekly with Damo as he initially leads you through the Huang line of Yang Taijiquan before moving into the deeper systems of Taiji coming from the Yang family.
Baguazhang Structured Training
Join weekly classes in esoteric Baguazhang training. Here is a method that seamlessly merges Nei Gong, Gong Fu and the ancient teachings of the Yi Jing (I Ching).
Question – Do I need to pay for each of these three programs individually if I wish to study them all?
Answer – We get this question a lot and the answer is no, each of these programs, and several others, are available to all members of the Internal Arts Academy whether they pay for annual or monthly membership. Some students choose to study only one subject whilst others study multiple arts but all students have this option.
☰ ☲ ☵ ☷ Welcome to the
Internal Arts
Welcome to the Internal Arts Academy, the source for authentic online instruction in Daoist and Buddhist internal energy work. Established by world renowned authority on the internal arts, Damo Mitchell, these programs were set up to help pass on and preserve many of the traditional cultivation methods to come out of China and the far-East.
~ The True Path ~
Buddhist & Daoist Internal Methods
Damo has explored the Daoist and Buddhist lineages for his whole life as well as Hindu and Western lines. Let him guide you through the core of their internal methods.
~ Authentic Training ~

Cindy Engel - Author and Neigong Teacher
Qigong & Meditation

Develop the Form

Build the Energy

Cultivate Harmony

Elevate Spirit
The Power of Understanding
Damo has written a number of detailed books on the subjects of Nei Gong, Meditation and the Internal Arts. They serve as detailed study-guides for those on the Daoist path and much of the theory from the Internal Arts Academy will support these texts.

- 3/4 videos per week minimum
- Step-by-Step ongoing courses in Nei Gong, Taiji Quan, Baguazhang & Internal Force
- In-depth Principles of Nei Gong, Alchemy, Meditation, and Martial Arts.
- Regularly updated Library, giving immediate access to hundreds of lectures
- Exploration of Classical Methodologies and Terminology
- Introduction to Chinese Medicine concepts
- Exclusive Online Community Access
- Classical Yang Sheng (life nourishing) Principles