Join the Internal Arts Academy for immediate access to 100’s of hours of footage, weekly video releases covering a detailed process along the path of Nei Gong, Meditation, Baguazhang and Taijiquan. To subscribe to The Internal Arts Academy, please scroll down to the bottom of this page…
The Programs
- Immediate access to three main programs – Nei Gong, Taijiquan & Baguazhang
- A minimum of three weekly videos and supportive materials
- Fundamentals of Nei Gong, Alchemy, Meditation, Bagua and Taiji
- Key classical principles, such as Song (松) and Ting (聽) explored in detail
- Preparation of the Mind and Body for the Internal Arts
- Exploration of Classical methodologies, terminologies and Classical texts
- Clear path of progression through the internal paths of Nei Gong and Martial Arts
- 100’s of Hours of supportive theoretical lectures by Damo
Welcome to the Internal Arts Academy step-by-step programs in Nei Gong, Taijiquan and Baguazhang. For an overview of how the programs work, please watch this short video to the left. In the video, Damo is discussing how the weekly programs are structured and how to get the most out of the training.
- Weekly Nei Gong Program
- Weekly Taijiquan Program
- Weekly Baguazhang Program
- Online Library of theoretical lectures
Subscribe Now
At the Internal Arts Academy, we offer annual and monthly membership options. Once you join, payment will be taken from your accounts automatically on a regular basis. PLEASE NOTE that the Internal Arts Academy is a subscription site with a similar format to platforms such as Netflix.
You are paying for access to a membership site on a subscription basis. You have access to the videos and lessons when you have subscribed and only maintain this access whilst a member of the academy. You may freeze your membership at any time and then simply rejoin in the future by re-subscribing through the same account.
Annual Membership
Our annual membership includes:
Access to our Nei Gong program
Access to our Taijiquan program
Access to our Baguazhang Program
FULL exclusive access to our library
(Library includes hundreds of videos from Damo’s past events as well as footage filmed specifically for the academy. The library will be continually updated with events and lectures.)
520 usd / year
Monthly Membership
Our monthly membership includes:
Access to our Nei Gong program
Access to our Taijiquan program
Access to our Baguazhang Program
Access to much of our library
(Library includes hundreds of videos from Damo’s past events as well as footage filmed specifically for the academy. The library will be continually updated with events and lectures.)