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Internal Academy

Welcome to the Internal Academy, the source for authentic online instruction in Daoist and Buddhist internal energy work. Established by world renowned authority on the internal arts, Damo Mitchell, these programs were set up to help pass on and preserve many of the traditional cultivation methods to come out of China and the far-East.

Daoist Nei Gong

Buddhist & Daoist Meditation Methods

Authentic Internal Training

Visit this page to find out how joining the Internal Academy can finally deliver the internal teachings you have sought for so long

About Us

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You owe it to yourself to ensure that you have access to accurate instruction on the internal arts. The path to health, well-being and awakening could be the most important thing you ever do

Qigong & Meditation

Develop the Form

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Develop the Energy

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Cultivate Harmony

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Elevate Spirit

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The Internal Academy

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